Friday 3 October 2014

5 Important Things That You Should Consider Before Buying A Loose Diamond

I have often been puzzled by other people’s choices. They seem to be dissatisfied with what they have and tend to blame others for the outcome. What bothers me is that I think that they had enough time to think about it, or worse, they didn’t think about it at all. Well if that’s the case, you can kiss your money down the drain and say hello to a pool of endless regret. Good thing that life is full of second chances, but isn’t it better that you get everything right the first time?

In the diamond industry, it is a very big deal that customers are satisfied with the type of rock they buy. It doesn’t grow on your average backyard pot you know. Buying a diamond is like getting a puppy for your home. You have to learn what type of breed it is, its behaviour and if it best suites you and your personality. I’ve been writing about diamonds for 10 years now and I still encounter people who make bad choices in choosing their rocks.

Evidently, these people often sell their purchases early, roughly in about 2 months’ time, basically because of disappointment. Money goes down the drain, a year’s salary wasted, time and effort flies out the window. So to prevent that, you really need to review what kind of rock to buy. For me, loose diamonds are the best because they are the most flexible ones and can be put to any type of metal you want. I strongly suggest that you read the 5 things below over and over again before purchasing that wonderful rock.

1.    Diamond Certification

Certified loose diamonds are indeed a big deal. Organizations such as the EGL (European Gemological Laboratory) and the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) are the best diamond certifiers in the world. Authentication and certification by these bodies are essential because they are really strict and accurate in classifying diamonds, meaning you can base your standards on their criteria. Make sure that you are going to buy a certified loose diamond.

2.    The only GOOD Cut

The only good cut is a diamond cut. It reflects the capability of the diamond to reflect light inside it, and this is very important because light reflection is one of a diamond’s most important quality.  So be wise in choosing your type of cut especially in certified loose diamonds.

3.    Diamond Color

Remember that the less color there is in a diamond, the rarer it is. You can choose between a D up to a Z colored diamond, D being the most transparent and Z being a yellowish one. Ironic for something without color ain’t it?

4.    Clarity

A rare diamond contains fewer impurities, making it more expensive. The more colorless your diamond is, the better it is for your wallet. But of course, it is still up to you. Ask your jeweller about this so that you can make a very intelligent choice.

5.    Carat Weight

Lastly of course, the heavier the diamond, the rarer it is. So keep in mind that after the diamond is cut and clarified it will be multiplied by carat weight.

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